Score 3:0
What Went Well:
• Once we switched on we started to play some good football.
• The ability and intention to distribute the ball around the pitch was evident.
• We were in control of the match for the vast majority of the game and kept the opposition’s attempts on goal down to an absolute minimum.
• We were the better side for the majority of the game.
• Our quick transition of play with the passing and movement of both the ball and players resulted in 3 well worked goals.
• Another good squad performance.
• Yet another clean sheet achieved.
• It was good to see that we had 16 players and Club staff hosting the opposition at the Pegasus Club.
What Could Have Been Better:
• Occasionally, during the first 15 minutes, we were too lethargic and struggled to maintain our composure when in possession.
• Awareness of unmarked/untracked players making off the ball runs.
Action Points To Work On In Trg & Future Matches:
• Continue to work on fitness.
• Recovery runs.
Man of the Match: Jack Gough. Yet another strong performance resulting in 2 well taken goals, especially his second one. Dylan Day’s performances and work rate over the last few games on the right hand side also deserves some recognition.